Tips to Improve Your Website’s Sign-Up Experience

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Including a sign-up box in your website design cis the best way to collect email addresses for your mailing list. You can use the sign-up experience as an effective marketing tool with efficient sign-up forms and a great welcome letter. Here are some tips to help you improve the sign-up experience.

  • Keep the sign-up form short and simple. Do not be tempted to ask for information that is not absolutely necessary. Customers don’t like to spend more than a few seconds in filling up forms, so long forms are less likely to be filled.

  • Confirm whether the email address entered by a customer in the form is correct. A typing mistake can result in a lost website conversion.

  • Allow customers to decide on the communication they would like to receive and how frequently. This will help you send targeted emails. When adding any new categories, give this information to your customers and request them to update their preferences.

  • Tell customers about the benefits of signing-up. By informing customers what to expect from a sign-up, for instance, information about discounts and special offers, you can encourage more people to sign-up.

  • Include a link back to your website in your emails. Your website contains a lot of information that customers may want to know. Make it easier for customers by including a link to your website in the welcome email.

  • Give instant rewards for sign-ups. When a customers signs up for your email list, their interest is at the highest level. By instantly rewarding customers, with links to previous articles or discount coupons, you can assure customers that they made the right decision by signing-up.