Tips on Boosting Revenue from Your Website

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While building websites, the attention of the developer is often focused on the content and the target customer is ignored in the process. It is always difficult for the website designer or owner to take a critical look at his website design to evaluate its efficacy. These tips will help you take an objective look at your website and monetize it more effectively.

Map Out the Path of Your Customers

Map out the complete navigation path up to purchase by your customers. Pay special attention to those points in the path where the maximum number of potential customers seem to drop out. Find out reasons for customers dropping out and brainstorm on what improvements can be made to avoid it.

Promote Customer Repeat Visits


By promoting repeat customer visits, you can multiply the revenue earned from each customer. This is a cost effective and simple way to boost your revenue.

Search Engine Marketing

The type of visitors reaching your website is critical in deciding the success or failure of your website. Use of appropriate keywords is very important for directing the right kind of visitors to your site who can be potential customers. Pay special attention while deciding keywords – they will be critical for your online marketing campaign.

Cross Selling


Cross selling is also a very effective way of increasing your website’s revenue. Suggesting products complimentary to the customer’s purchase or other products bought by people who made a similar purchase will help boost sales.

Simplify the Process

The lesser the number of clicks required for final purchase at your website, the better. Simpler processes attract more customers as well as repeat visits.