What Motivates Affluent Consumers to Connect with Social Brands

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Social media has emerged as one of the most popular platforms for web traffic marketing.  It is a great platform to connect with all kinds of customers. For social success, brands need to know the social networks preferred by their target market and the motivators that encourage them to connect with the brand socially. The results of a 2011 survey by Affluence Collaborative indicate that the networks preferred by wealthy internet users and the factors that motivate them to connect with social brands differ from those for the general populace.

Discounts and deals, which is the top reason for general populace to connect with brands on social networks, ranks lower in the list of priorities for the affluent. For them, the top motivator was the love for a brand and desire to follow it. 39.7% people with annual income between $200K – $500K and 52.3% people with annual income more than $500K cited pre-existing affinity for a brand as the top reason to connect with it socially. Luxury marketers need to keep this in mind while developing marketing strategies to target affluent customers on social media.

The social networks preferred by wealthy web users also differ from those favored by general populace. Although Facebook was the top choice across all groups, usage of LinkedIn and Twitter was much higher among affluent net users compared to others. Among people with income above $500K, 40.5% used LinkedIn and 36% used Twitter, while only 21.5% and 14% people from general populace used these sites respectively. This information will help luxury marketers in targeting more effectively.