Google Local Listing Ads – The Yellow Page™ Killer has Arrived

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The YP™ killer has arrived in Beta and its called a Google Local Listing Ad.

Google has been trying for some time now to remedy the many issues plaguing Adwords when it comes to small businesses. The learning curve and considerable time involved has driven many SME’s out of the PPC market. Not only has Google made most of the major issues disappear, they have added superior tracking, hands free driving and a cancel at any time policy.

Here are Some of the Benefits of Google Local Listing Ads

  • First 30 days are free
  • Flat monthly fee
  • Cancel at any time
  • Automated ad creation
  • Performance Tracking with Google Voice
  • No Maintenance Required
  • No Keyword Research

David Mihm Describes the Main Ad Requirements

  • Up to four LLA’s will appear either above or beside the real estate reserved for Local results in Universal (more on this below). These will be rotated, though Google would not get into specifics on the interaction between pricing and demand/saturation in a given market.
  • The ads are tied to ONE category selected as part of the claiming process. No keyword research on the part of the SMB is required.
  • The landing page MUST be the business’s LBC URL or its Place Page.
  • Some form of support (likely email) WILL be available to SMB’s who purchase these ads.

How Will it Affect the Local Market?

As Greg Sterling from Screenwerk commented,”Regardless, this program (though preceded by Yahoo), can be seen as a potentially dramatic development for Google and the local marketplace more generally. This will truly be the test of the conventional wisdom that a direct sales force is necessary to penetrate the local market.”

David Mihm hits the nail on the head when he says,” If the Yellow Pages™ companies want to stay in business, they simply have to acknowledge that the real value that sales reps can provide is as web marketing advisors, rather than salespeople for a proprietary product.

The sooner they start helping SMB’s leverage ALL of the ad products out there, including this one, the faster they’ll recover revenue streams.”

The big advantage for Yellow Page™ companies has always been the feet on the ground. Its time to morph into a national advertising agency selling a complete internet marketing package.

The ads are currently only available in San Francisco and San Diego. A rollout schedule has not been announced.