SEO and Social Media Coming Together

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Social media and search engines are really coming together. You may have heard across news channels how search engines are in talks with major social networking websites to use the latter’s data in determining search rankings. The field of SEO is rife with speculations about how exactly search engines are integrating social media in search rankings.

According to recent rumors, Microsoft may have been in talks with Facebook to use the data from the popular social networking site in deciding page search rankings on Bing. We already know Google uses data from YouTube, Google Analytics and their browser Chrome for search results. It’s only logical that such deals will come to fruition and confirmations will be made in their own time. But meanwhile, you can definitely expect social media to start playing a bigger role in SEO. With this in mind, it is best that you do not ignore the social media when charting out a SEO strategy.

Everyone interested in the process of search engine optimization and especially those running an SEO company should take these hints seriously. Don’t wait to see how social media will be incorporated in the world of search – plan your SEO strategy to include them and stay on top of the game.

It is only a matter of time before social media and search engines collaborate, and data from social channels is integrated to decide overall search engine rankings. To keep the SEO efforts up to date and relevant, it’s in the best interest of webmasters and SEO experts to take the lead and include social channels in their plan.