Fitting Online Social Networking in Your Daily Schedule

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People who are not active users of social networking sites often think that these are a waste of time. But all the active users of different social media channels will agree that social networking has become a way of life. We live in an age where not being socially active online is not an option for many of us.

Some people who have missed the social networking revolution complain that it is difficult to squeeze in time for these activities in their busy schedule. But you don’t need to devote hours on social networking. The key lies in finding a balance between total inactivity and too much indulgence.

The amount of time you spend on social networking sites depends on the number of social media channels you use. It also depends on the amount of content you read, write and share as well as your objective behind using social media. If your objective is social media marketing for your business, you may need to devote more time. But if you are a part of social media only for socializing and reasons that are purely entertainment-related or recreational, then you can devote just a few minutes a day to it.

It is not necessary that you need to block some time in your schedule for social networking. It really takes just a few minutes to check updates on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn. You should also regularly check if there are any guest comments on your blog, if you maintain one. Writing blogs may take more time but if it is an enjoyable activity for you, you should find time for it. You should also visit your favorite sites and authors to read articles at you convenience and share the best ones with your online connections to keep the conversation going.